NCEO, with assistance from the Regional Resource Center Program (RRCP), recently held a webinar for states that are transitioning away from the 2% assessment—the alternate assessment based on modified achievement standards (AA-MAS). The purpose of the webinar was to follow up on the meeting in Atlanta, Georgia last February where state teams came together to develop or refine plans that would facilitate the successful transition away from the 2% assessment. Thirteen of the 16 states transitioning away from this assessment option participated in the July 31 webinar.
The webinar began with opening remarks from Michael Yudin, the Assistant Secretary for the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS), and Scott Sargrad, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and Strategic Initiatives in the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE). Four states then gave presentations on how they are making the transition, followed by other states sharing their successes and challenges during a state sharing time.
The materials from this webinar are available on the NCEO website that contains resources for states transitioning away from the 2% assessment, This webpage also includes presentations and other resources from the February meeting, as well as links to state resources related to the 2% transition.