Here we are in 2015 already! This issue of the NCEO e-newsletter includes highlights of findings from a recent NCEO report on graduation requirements for students with significant cognitive disabilities who participate in the alternate assessment based on alternate achievement standards (AA-AAS). We also provide snapshots of updates on the six assessments consortia – PARCC, Smarter Balanced, DLM, NCSC, ASSETS, and ELPA21! These snapshots focus on the consortia’s efforts for students with disabilities and ELLs, including ELLs with disabilities. Finally, if you will be in Palm Springs for the ATP Conference, or in San Diego for the CEC Conference, or in Chicago for the AERA/NCME Conferences, we have for you a list of the sessions that will be delivered, moderated, or chaired by NCEO staff. As always, we welcome feedback and ideas about what you would like to see in future issues of NCEO’s e-newsletter.
States’ Graduation Policies for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities
Graduation rates and requirements for earning a regular diploma are topics of increasing interest as states focus on ensuring that their students are college and career ready when they leave school with a diploma. Considerable attention has been given to those students with disabilities who participate in states’ general assessments. Recently, attention has turned to students with significant cognitive disabilities who participate in states’ alternate assessments based on alternate achievement standards (AA-AAS).
Consortia Updates
The six consortia of states developing new assessments are each focusing on the needs of students with disabilities and English language learners (ELLs) as they move toward their operational assessments. Highlighted here are updates on each of the consortia’s efforts for students with disabilities and ELLs, including ELLs with disabilities.
NCEO Presentations at Upcoming 2015 Conferences
If you plan to attend this year’s Association of Test Publishers (ATP) annual meeting (March 1-4) held in Palm Springs, CA, Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) annual convention (April 8-11) held in San Diego, CA, or American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting (April 16-20) held in Chicago, IL, we invite you to attend conference sessions delivered, moderated, or chaired by NCEO staff members.