Accommodations Toolkit

One of NCEO’s most popular resources, the Accommodations Toolkit, has been updated! The toolkit is organized by accommodation or accessibility feature (e.g., tactile graphics, braille, test breaks, extended time, etc.), with easy-to-use research and policy summaries for each accommodation. The resources in the toolkit are designed to support the work of state education agencies, but may also be helpful to technical assistance providers, researchers, and others.

Accommodations Toolkit

Within the toolkit, you can access a research summary for each accommodation. The research summaries include information on what the accommodation is, which students may benefit from the accommodation, how the accommodation has been implemented, and how students and teachers perceive the accommodation. You can also choose to view comparative tables that show states’ accessibility policies related to the accommodation. The policy comparison tables include states’ accessibility policies for students with disabilities, English learners, and English learners with disabilities. For example, you can quickly see which states have designated a tool as a universal feature available to all students, a designated feature available to some students, or as an accommodation available to just students with disabilities.

Individualized Education Program (IEP) team members should refer to their state’s policy when making decisions about a student’s assessment accommodations.