Unlocking the Power of Communication: NCEO’s Participation Communication Toolkit

State test participation has benefits for students, their families, and their schools. The National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO) recently updated its Participation Communications Toolkit. It is intended to provide a neutral but useful mechanism to guide positive, thoughtful conversations about student testing participation.

The toolkit includes a concise 1-page flyer for families on why it is so important that all students, including students with disabilities, participate in state testing, as well as an IEP Team Discussion Guide about the various test options. Additionally, the toolkit contains a flyer written just for students.  

For states, districts, schools, and parent centers that want to put their branding on handouts, the toolkit also contains customizable flyers for families and students, as well as a customizable IEP discussion guide.

The Participation Communication Toolkit also contains sample social media posts about state tests that are tailored to succinctly engage parents and families.